Keto diet: What exactly to eat on the weight loss plan to boost benefits revealed

THE KETO diet is a hugely popular weight loss method. The plan sees dieters eat a high proportion of fat and a very low number of carbohydrates. What are the macros for the diet? What are marcos and how do they work?

Marcos, or macronutrients, is a way of breaking down what dieters eat on any given plan.

It refers to the larger groups of nutrients, carbohydrates, protein and fats.

Many claim the different break down of macros can lead to different diet results, even if you eat the same calories.

What are macros?

Rozenson, nutritional expert and founder of,
said: “For the most part, everyone knows what fat; protein and
carbohydrates are and how to effectively manage them with regards to
nutritional intake and maintaining a healthy diet.

“However, there
seems to be an abundance of confusion surrounding what exactly a
macronutrient is. To put it simply, this group of nutrients are located
in different foods and drinks that help our bodies produce energy.

means that fat, protein and carbohydrates are all macronutrients in
their own right, with each one being absolutely essential, no matter
what your fitness goals might be, in order to lead a healthy life.

is no set template when it comes to macros; everyone is different and
when trying to figure out your balance, you need to be taking your
height, weight, activity levels and your overall fitness goals into

The expert gave an example of what is considered typical macros for weight loss.

What are macros?

Rozenson, nutritional expert and founder of,
said: “For the most part, everyone knows what fat; protein and
carbohydrates are and how to effectively manage them with regards to
nutritional intake and maintaining a healthy diet.

“However, there
seems to be an abundance of confusion surrounding what exactly a
macronutrient is. To put it simply, this group of nutrients are located
in different foods and drinks that help our bodies produce energy.

means that fat, protein and carbohydrates are all macronutrients in
their own right, with each one being absolutely essential, no matter
what your fitness goals might be, in order to lead a healthy life.

is no set template when it comes to macros; everyone is different and
when trying to figure out your balance, you need to be taking your
height, weight, activity levels and your overall fitness goals into

The expert gave an example of what is considered typical macros for weight loss.

The post Keto diet: What exactly to eat on the weight loss plan to boost benefits revealed appeared first on Weight Loss 2020.

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