South Beach Diet

South Beach Diet is one of the most popular diet in the weight loss diet plans. Initial two weeks are crucial and dieters must strictly avoid intake of vegetables and food. This diet plan works in phases and mainly the carbohydrate intake is restricted. South beach diet helps you conquer over the cravings. The South Beach Diet is not low-carb diet.

People who have used this diet plan successfully, lost about 8 pounds, which is a good result in this time frame. But dieters need to be very careful after such fast weight loss. Low glycemic index vegetables are allowed once the first stage is over. These types of foods along with eggs, cheese, nuts, and salads can also be eaten, in a controlled quantity.

For first two weeks, dieter will have to eliminate fruit, bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, sugar, alcohol, and baked goods from diet, but these restrictions are slowly removed and these food item are brought in the diet's food after the first stage is finished and that in a very controlled way. By avoiding such food items, dieter's metabolism improves and insulin resistance goes high, eventually leading to weight loss. With 'good' carbohydrates and fats, this diet plan works out to lose weight.

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