
UK to pledge £17.3m for robotics research

Blackberry revives classic keyboard phone

Why Work With an Insurance Adjuster

Apple checking 'exploding' iPhone video

Drones used to survey Milton Keynes sewage system

Ad blocker Shine rebrands as ad network

Cloudflare bug data leak exposed

Oculus facing legal ban on VR code used in its products

An origami inspired bullet-proof shield and other news

Giraffe birth live webcam back on after complaints it was sexually explicit

India police arrest 'world's cheapest smartphone' firm boss

Fitness data and photos help expose race cheat

Russian military admits significant cyber-war effort

Ad blocking usage 'not growing', says report

Router hacker suspect arrested at Luton Airport

Amazon resists Echo murder evidence call

Mouse trap triggers internet alerts

Self-driving cars must be covered by insurance, says UK bill

UPS delivery drone has glitch at launch event

David Davies jailed for live-streaming Cardiff court case

Facebook confusion over fake cancer babies U-turn

Sodastream recalls 'exploding' bottles

Tomorrow's cities - nightmare vision of the future?

Diversifying the United States' coal country

Facebook deletes fake child-cancer posts accounts

Verizon and Yahoo agree $350m price cut

Gibraltar seizes Russian's superyacht over German debt claim

EE shows off helium balloon mobile masts

Facebook investigates fake cancer child post

Lemur facial recognition tool developed

FBI pressured on cost of iPhone hack tool

Watchdog to pursue essay-cheat websites

Faster drugs?

Iran bans private drones from skies over Tehran amid security fears

Snap Spectacles roll out ahead of IPO

Warning on used cars failing to forget old owners

Driverless Roborace car crashes at speed in Buenos Aires

Data theft hackers sentenced in US

YouTube ditches unskippable 30-second ads

Kim Dotcom can be extradited, New Zealand High Court rules

Google and Bing to demote pirate sites in UK web searches